Virginia District 13

Virginia AA District 13
This website exists for the sole purpose of serving the members of the District 13 Groups of Va Area 71 and carrying the message to the still suffering alcoholic.
As such we are autonomous except in matters affecting other Districts or AA as a whole. The only official website of Alcoholics Anonymous is located at www.aa.org
In those matters affecting other districts or AA as a whole we strive to follow General Service Website Guidelines.
Some information on this site may be copyrighted by AA World Services and credit is given where needed or material is provided by direct links to their site.

District 13 Monthly Meeting
We meet the third Saturday of every month.
We are currently meeting in a in-person and zoom hybrid format at 1 PM EST.
In-person location:
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church,
405 W Main St , Wytheville, VA
Zoom information:
Click here for the meeting link.
Meeting ID: 812 7990 0525
To dial in by phone: 301 715 8592
Meeting ID: 812 7990 0525
Email vadistrict13aa@gmail.com for the passcodes.